This application is a 33 day trial version of "Driver Card Reader PRO" application.
With this application you can read (download) digital tachograph driver card. You can share data in different ways or store it on your device in different formats (ddd, esm, tgd, c1b). The read time will be written back to the card and the application reminds you of the 28-day read obligations
The application analyzes the data on the driver card and shows you the irregularities in driving and rest periods. You can see a detailed list of driver activities. You can get a work time summary report (shift/week/month). We can help you plan your working/rest time.
You need a USB card reader (ACS, Omnikey, Rocketek, Gemalto, Voastek, Zoweetek, uTrust, ...) to use the application. On some phones (Oppo, OnePlus, Realme, Vivo) you need to set it up for the OTG function to work continuously.
- Check violations back 56 days by default
- Fixed display of loading/unloading operations on map
- Fix for automatic download start when connecting a card reader
- Export GPS positions to Excel
- Smarter algorithm for detecting "Missing country code" entries
- "Virtual travel" infringement detection (for now in Poland)
- Displaying ~2 years of data retroactively instead of ~1 year
- Merging old and new data in "Vehicle usage" and "Visited countries" reports
- Quick navigation in long lists
- Hot fix for pdf/excel export of "Vehicle usage"
- Smarter algorithm: daily rest can be reclassified as reduced
- Smarter algorithm: selection of rest time spent on the ferry
- Modification of card replacement management
- Reading new types of cards (Gen2 ver2)
- New languages: Danish, Finnish, Norwegian, Serbian, Slovak, Swedish
- Modification of the algorithm for determining infringements:
In the case of night work, daily working hours are limited to 10 hours
Detection of regular rest time spent in the vehicle
Replacing online translation with static web pages
Hotfix for the rest planner
- Option to bulk delete from archive
- Option to exclude short breaks (<15 minutes) from working hours
- Redesigned settings page
- Minor bug fixes
- Rest times report became available from the main menu
- The weekly/fortnightly driving time is displayed in the rest times report
- Pdf/Csv reports can also be shared directly (e.g. by email)
- ddd merging based on name and date of birth also
- Default working time length can be set (we are using it in accounting for holidays also)
- Improvement of the algorithm checking the length of continuous work
- Improvement of the algorithm checking the interruption (ferry/train) of reduced weekly rest
Hotfix for trial period
- Database backup/restore to the cloud
- New sorting options in the working time summary
- Improved support for card readers
- Zoomable graphical daily activity overview (long click)
- Help for the archive page
- Troubleshooting documentation for card reading
- More accurate analysis of night work
- Android 13 pdf/excel export support
- Minor modifications in operation
- Bug fixes
Data export hot fix on Android 13
- Planning hot bug fix
- Loading multiple ddd file in one step